Are You Spending Money to Make Your Pets Sick?

Cat Parade

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that indoor air pollution is 3 – 5 times greater than outdoor air pollution. Many household cleaning products, pet products and air fresheners on the market give off fumes containing invisible chemicals that can concentrate to unhealthy levels. Chemicals, artificial fragrances and dust particles adhere to carpets, fabrics and air vents. Indoor allergens and irritants can trigger attacks and affect people or pets with asthma. Cats are particularly prone to asthma, especially Siamese cats. Since Americans spend about 90% of their time indoors and many of our pets rarely leave the home, air quality is a pretty serious topic. 

The Indoor Environmental Science and Engineering Program at the University of Texas sponsored a public workshop on indoor air quality last week. Researches educated the public about the potential dangers of indoor air quality and provided safety precautions. 

“In other words, don’t freak out about chemicals, but definitely take your shoes off before padding around your carpeted home: One display implied that tracking in material from outside can make your carpet amount to a hazardous waste dump. The poster included a photograph of a baby crawling on carpet.”

Other tips:

  • Properly ventilate when using chemical cleaning products, or better yet use natural, chemical free alternatives. For more information on natural cleaning products check out my previous blog, For Dog Sakes!, Clean Up Your Act.
  • Install air filters in you home.
  • Replace carpet with tile or wood flooring.  
  • Do not use odor controlling sprays.
  • Don’t smoke inside your home.

Natural cat litters derived from plants can also help you to lessen the allergens in your home and keep dust levels down. Ever notice that plume of dust when you pour cat litter into the pan? Some of the natural, alternative cat litter brands prove to have the lowest dust levels of any cat litter on the market. Alternative litters also contain zero silica dust.  Silica dust is mined from the earth and used to make products that absorb moisture. For this reason many conventional cat litters contain silica dust. The silica dust is most noticeable when the cat covers waste in the litter box or when the product is poured into the litter pan. The inhalation of these silica particles has been linked to lung cancer, bronchitis and tuberculosis. Silicosis is a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust containing extremely fine particles of crystalline silica.  Silicosis only develops after prolonged exposure to crystalline silica. The odds of developing the disease from exposure to clay cat litter are therefore highly unlikely, but switching to a natural, dust- free litter will go a long way when reducing allergens. As an added bonus, you’ll find your self needing to dust a lot less often!

So stop spending money on products that can make you, your family and your pets sick. Stick to natural products and stray away from chemicals and artificial fragrances. Home deodorizers might smell pretty but are they worth the price?  

Check back soon for a blog devoted to Feline Asthma. I will cover the signs, symptoms, treatment options and other possible triggers.

6 responses to “Are You Spending Money to Make Your Pets Sick?

  1. Even since I’ve switched to Feline Pine cat litter I’ve noticed a huge difference with the dust when changing litter. My three cats and I will never go back to a conventional cat litter again!

  2. Pingback: Vacuums that don't Suck at Sucking up Pet Hair « This GREEN Life

  3. Pingback: Roundup: Three Green Tips this Tuesday « This GREEN Life

  4. I found your page doing a search on what is making our cat sneeze so much. He also coughs and makes some kind of a weird sound that I can’t even describe. After reading your page, I’m wondering if he has a URI from the cat litter that we use. It does make a lot of dust and my husband changes the cat litter because I have asthma and can’t stand to do it because of all that dust. Our cat’s nose always looks runny and sometimes I can hear his chest rumbling. We had him to the vet about a month ago because of a URI. The vet thought that the cat is allergic to the treats that we’ve been giving him because of the red dye that’s in them. He gave us an antibiotic to give our cat and his symptoms cleared up, but I bet that he wasn’t okay for more than a week and he got his symptoms back again. Another problem that he’s been having is running around inside here like he really has some kind of urgency and before you know it he’s trying to do a BM on the floor. He also throws up during one of these episodes. I don’t know if all of this can be related to the cat litter or not. I will switch and see if anything improves. Thanks for the info!

  5. My cat almost died because he was using silica cat litter. The vet told me that my cat had lung cancer, but Icould not believe and Istopped to use that kind of cat litter and he is better now.

  6. I am convinced…chemicals sooner of later harms the body of humans or animals. Therefore using the natural products should be the first priority in case if available.

    Helpful information about “Silica dust”…keep Silica far away from your pets…


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